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Who We Are

Online-dating has become a very common method of dating. This comes especially as a savior to the introverts of the society for whom talking through the screen is more unnerving than conversing face-to-face. But, at the same time, the diverse alternatives of dating websites have left people confused about which ones to pursue. Reliability and legitimacy are major concerns along with the success rates of a website. The right person can only be met on the right website. But, is it as easy as it sounds? Definitely not.

Vietnamesebrideonline.com is a team of enthusiasts working to help people understand the dating industry, how it works, what are the perks and peculiarities of it, and how one can be a part of it. Our job is to give our readers detailed reviews of the tested websites. Our team includes members who’ve had first-hand experience with dating and even mail order brides sites and some are even married to gorgeous foreign women from these platforms.

How we review and rate websites

So, what’s the procedure to extract the best dating and mail-order brides websites from a pool of thousands of such platforms? How can one differ good from the bad? The answer is, all websites must be given the same importance. There are no criteria which you can miss or ignore as unnecessary.

Our team of professionals aims for precision. Every minute detail is studied by them to understand the depth of the website. From pricings to services, to security codes and the members, all are scrutinized for a thorough review. Giving an unbiased review means going through each information. We take our research quite seriously which is why we can list out the topmost websites.

Our scores range from 1.0 to 10.0, each star corresponds two points, i.e. website with the score from 1.0-2.0 will have only one star, if the score 2.1-4.0 it will receive 2 stars and so on.

We try to keep our reviews sincere and up-to-date to stay a reliable source to know if the website in-question is suitable to find your dream woman. The reviews and the guides we present are solely based on our own experiences.